Radiation City

by Atypical Games for

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Survive a Zombie-Filled Disaster Zone in Radiation City

Radiation City is a survival-based game set in a city ravaged by both nuclear radiation and a zombie outbreak. Yu will have to use all of your wits to endure this hostile environment.

Trapped in a Nuclear City

Radiation City puts the player in control of a pilot who has crashed in Priyat, the city contaminated by the Chernobyl disaster. In the game’s futuristic setting the city is now home to zombies as well as the after-effects of nuclear catastrophe, and the player will have to fight off hordes of the undead while also finding clean food and water to survive. You will find useful objects lying around, but as your inventory space is limited, you will need to choose carefully between survival supplies and defensive weapons.

Survival on Your Mobile Device

While there are already plenty of survival games of this sort on the market, the Fallout series being the most obvious example, Radiation City is unusual in that it adapts the genre for mobile gaming. The survival genre is associated with larger-scale gaming, so Radiation City offers a new twist by giving players a survival experience they can keep in their pockets.