
by Lajdesignsw for Mac OS X

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Add watermarks to protect your photos

If you’re worried about people downloading or stealing your photographs then have you ever considered adding a watermark?

Watermarking your images is a simple way to prevent this happening. DropWaterMark uses the meta data that is already in your images to auto watermark images, usually with their filename or file size. However, it can use any meta data in your images including EXIF and IPTC tags.

In addition, DropWaterMark allows you to include a border around your image, resize images, and choose a different level of transparency or brightness for your image. If you need to watermark a whole batch or folder of images, DropWaterMark can also be used to do a group of images in one go. In addition, you can rotate and resize images.

DropWaterMark is a simple way to protect and watermark your images as well as perform basic resizing and framing.

Autosaves to default watermarkMore windows 7 updatesCode cleanupVarious other minor fixes


  • Autosaves to default watermarkMore windows 7 updatesCode cleanupVarious other minor fixes