Recent Posts Widget With Thumbnails

by Kybernetik Services for 4.6 or higher

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Why Use The Latest Post With Thumbnailing?

WordPress today has made a lot of advancements in the aspect of its plugins, and most recently the latest and greatest one is the recent posts widget which is a great addition to your website or blog. Now you may be asking yourself what exactly is this new widget that makes it so unique and useful? It is a WordPress plugin that displays a recent post thumbnail on your side bar or side panel in the sidebar of your website. Now there are other plugins that do a similar thing but the latest plugin by Kybernetik Services are made especially for WordPress blogs and websites. This plugin was created to not only display a recent post thumbnail but also display all of the other recent posts on your sidebar as well.

There are other plugins that allow you to customize the look and feel of your sidebar such as the latest posts block and the custom sidebars which allows you to create your own sidebars from any themes and customize them. This latest posts widget by Kybernetik Services is however built-in to WordPress and can be activated from the options menu of your admin panel. By using this widget you will be able to display recent posts from all blogs, social bookmarking sites, article directories, and any other sources that are accessible to you. This widget will display recent posts as thumbnails on your sidebar in the same color as the text.

You may wonder why this plugin was made especially for your blog or website. The reason for this particular widget being made is simple and goes along with the theme of Kybernetik Services which is to make your website as unique and different as possible. This widget will also make it easier for users to navigate around your website since the recent post thumbnail will not change unless you refresh the page. Another advantage of this widget is that it helps you get more traffic by allowing users who use this particular plugin to cast a vote on the post-type posts that are displayed on your sidebar. It is important to remember that when users cast a vote for a post-type post, the vote has to be cast by a human being in order for it to count.