Adobe Revel

by Adobe for Mac OS X

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Cross platform photo sharing for friends and family

Adobe Revel is a cross platform photo/video sharing solution aimed at closed groups of friends and family.

Great cross platform solution

Adobe Revel is particularly good for families and groups of people that don’t use the same operating system or mobile OS because photos added to Adobe Revel are automatically synchronized across platforms including OS X, Windows 8 PC, tablet, iPhone or iPad and online. You can create Group Library’s for specific holidays or trips that allow members to add photos, videos, comments, captions and tag their favorites.

Adobe Revel also automatically syncs photos with your devices so you never need to worry about uploading photos for family to see. It’s also convenient to have all family photos arranged in one place with members updated when something new is added without having to send out e-mails or links to photos. However, a lot of this is possible simply by creating a group on Facebook without having to install the Adobe Revel software.

Easy to install and setup

Adobe Revel is easy to setup on all devices. Once installed, you simply create an Adobe Revel account and upload your photos which can then be viewed on any device. There are lots of cool instagram style filters to choose from as well which are easy to apply. However there are some annoying glitches. For instance, Adobe Revel won’t upload video files in .MOV format and it doesn’t make it clear what the original name of the file was when it was uploaded which makes post tagging and labeling essential.

Slick but not perfect

Adpbe Revel is a typically slick Adobe product but if you’re a Facebook Group user, you won’t find any major advantages apart from the filters and added privacy.