
by Richard Koch for Mac OS X

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Preview files in Mac OS X

Removed keyboard shortcut for “hard wrap”, since pushing it by mistake can have drastic consequences.Added new Edit menu items: Substitutions, Transformations, Speech. These are standard Apple items, which automatically add these features to the editor. However, part of this addition is not complete. In a future version, there will be Preference items to preserve the user’s choices for smart copy/paste, smart quotes, smart dashes, smart links, data detectors, and text replacement. Currently, choices are temporary while the document is open.New version of Latexmk, 416a.LuaLatex is now a default engine, since LuaTeX has progressed to a system which can be used for real work. But only new users will see the change; older users must drag LuaLatex from the Inactive folder to the active area.The Sage engine and documentation are slightly improved.Fixed the problem of offset line numbers in the German localization.Added the Stex extension as one TeXShop can edit and syntax color; this is used when working with R.


  • Removed keyboard shortcut for “hard wrap”, since pushing it by mistake can have drastic consequences.Added new Edit menu items: Substitutions, Transformations, Speech. These are standard Apple items, which automatically add these features to the editor. However, part of this addition is not complete. In a future version, there will be Preference items to preserve the user’s choices for smart copy/paste, smart quotes, smart dashes, smart links, data detectors, and text replacement. Currently, choices are temporary while the document is open.New version of Latexmk, 416a.LuaLatex is now a default engine, since LuaTeX has progressed to a system which can be used for real work. But only new users will see the change; older users must drag LuaLatex from the Inactive folder to the active area.The Sage engine and documentation are slightly improved.Fixed the problem of offset line numbers in the German localization.Added the Stex extension as one TeXShop can edit and syntax color; this is used when working with R.

TeXShop is a TeX previewer for Mac OS X, written in Cocoa. Since pdf is a native file format on OS X, TeXShop uses “pdftex” and “pdflatex” rather than “tex” and “latex” to typeset; these programs in the standard teTeX distribution of TeX produce pdf output instead of dvi output.

TeXShop uses TeXLive and teTeX, standard distributions of Tex programs for Unix machines. The distributions include tex, latex, dvips, tex fonts, cyrillic fonts, and virtually all other programs and supporting files commonly used in the TeX world.