YITH WooCommerce Wishlist

by YITH for 5.3 or higher

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The Biggest Benefit Of Sharing Your YITH WooCommerce Wishlist With Your Friends And Relatives

There are so many benefits to sharing your YITH WooCommerce Wishlist with your family, friends and those you know. A good WooCommerce Wishlist plugin allows to add many features to your website very easily. In fact, you can do this very easily yourself without any special coding knowledge or understanding of how wishlist software works. But there’s a big advantage not just to your visitors but to yourself as well.

Sharing your wishlist with others not only increases your exposure and reputation as an online business owner but makes you look like a ‘go-to’ person in the eyes of your clients. When they see that you’re an active and vocal user of online stores, you automatically impress them with what you say. And if your customer base grows to include your relatives and friends, then they would think that you have the money to spend for something bigger than your existing small business. So, by adding one or more Wishlist Activations to your existing website, you take the next step and become a ‘household name’ for your customers.

The number of Wishlist Activations available to you when you sign up with YITH WooCommerce is unlimited. You can create as many single site Wishlist WordPress plugins as your web hosting provider allows. If your provider limits the number of activations per online store, you can still create as many Wishlist WordPress plugins as you want, and you’ll be able to make multiple sales conversions from each individual site. Once your website has been set up with a single site Wishlist WordPress plugin and unlimited WordPress activations, that’s when you start to see the huge benefits of being an active Wishlist user.