
by Assistiveware for Mac OS X

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Multilingual help for users with speech difficulties

Proloquo is software designed for those who have difficulties in seeing or reading correctly.

Proloquo actually bills itself as a multilingual speech and communication solution for Mac, as not only does it read out any words you type into the application, but also provides a communication system for people with problems speaking, provides speech feedback when typing for people with learning difficulties and, of course, it functions as a talking word processor.

The Proloquo interface is very easy to use – the icons are large and easily visible – and you simply type or copy and paste the text to be read into the application and it will be read automatically. It can also be configured to recognize typed words in other applications, such as internet search engines. The default language supported by Proloquo is English, but a large selection of other languages can also be downloaded from the website.

You can choose from a large number of types and styles of voices for Proloquo to read to you in. Admittedly, many are very synthetic, but you can modify them slightly to make them a little more pleasant. Among Proloquo’s other features are an alarm, for users who may need to attract the attention of a guardian or friend, and the ability to export the audio files produced into formats that can be listened to on iTunes or your iPod.

Proloquo is an easy-to-use and multi-functional speech solution for users with speech problems.