Respecialization Mod

by newman55 for Windows 10

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Pathfinder: Kingmaker – Respecialization and Guilds

Pathfinder: Kingmaker – Respecialization is a concept that made its way to my attention through a few conversations with folks online. I’ve been a big fan of the oldschool type of computer RPG’s, and had never heard of a reset in any of them, until now. In case you didn’t know, in most classic computer RPG’s, you basically start out at level 1 and your character begins a journey from there. So basically, it’s like you start over (or start at different levels) and this game’s reset feature takes you back to where you were at the beginning of your previous adventure.

The concept behind Pathfinder: Kingmaker – Respecialization is that all previous content you did to your character in prior adventures is carried over in a special Memories patch, and if you want to continue your hero’s progression, you need to go through this memory patch. In fact, this mod also has a special Respec mod which allows you to change class or specialization of your heroes. Now, while I don’t understand how much of a difference it makes whether or not you change your classes in general (I’m a Wizard), it sure helps to have a quick way to respec my heroes, especially if I plan on playing different roles (rogue/shaman, healer/wardener, DPS/healer, tank, Rogue/Warlock). Some other nice things about this respec feature are that it lets me continue with my overall goals for my characters, instead of having to worry about how to make my druid or paladin stronger to do their job better (and get more gold or items at the same time). Overall, I really like the idea behind this mod and how it ties into the rest of the game’s mechanics.

Overall, it seems like the designers and developers of Warhammer Online: Age of Reckoning really put some effort into making the game’s endgame experience as smooth as possible, and one example of this is the introduction of the guilds and the respec system. Other than that, the game itself is fun, engaging, and rewarding. If you haven’t tried the new classes and the specializations, you should definitely do so today. With the new guild features, quests, and respecs, I wouldn’t be surprised at all if I was able to rack up quite the amount of achievements for these new items!