Product Import Export for WooCommerce

by WebToffee for 3.0 or higher

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Free WooCommerce product plugin

Product Import Export for WooCommerce is a WordPress plugin that lets you import or export WooCommerce goods using a CSV file. It supports grouped, external, and affiliate products, but you’ll need the premium version for variable products.

WebToffee developed the plugin compatible with WordPress 3.0.1 and upwards. It supports PHP version 5.6+ and you can download it for free in Dutch or US English. Alternative options are Product CSV Import Suite, WP All Import, and Woo Import Export.

Plugin features

Use the plugin to export or add external and affiliate products using a CSV file. It exports or adds products by categories and includes its images, tags, and product status. You can use the CVS export to do a bulk edit on products before importing them back to your site.

You can do imports and exports in batches, update or skip products, or set a CSV delimiter before importing. The plugin lets you choose different methods for importing and exporting, like:

  • A quick import or export
  • Use a pre-saved template
  • An advanced import or export option

This tool support column mapping when adding products and CSV files using the UTG-8 format. You can view your history of previous activity and debug faulty imports with the import log.  

How to use

After activation, find ‘WebToffe Import Export’ on your WP dashboard. It gives you options for Export, Import, History, Logs, and General Settings. You can also access the General Settings from your Installed Plugins window. 

If you want to add or export merchandise, select the post type, method, and filter you want to use. Then, check if you need to map or reorder columns and configure any advanced options.

Add and remove products

Use the Product Import Export for WooCommerce plugin to add or download product information for your WooCommerce site using a CSV file. It allows for bulk editing of external and affiliate products. It saves a history of previous activity to allow you to re-run previous actions or resolve issues using the error log. You can use different methods for importing and exporting, map columns, and exclude specific products.

The developer has fixed an issue with adding product reviews in the latest release.