Redirection for Contact Form 7

by Query Solutions for 5.1 or higher

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WordPress – Ultimate Add-On for Firewalls

Contact Form 7 is an excellent WordPress Plugin that helps you save time when processing large influx of emails from prospective clients. Contact Form 7 also helps you save time when it comes to redirecting clients to any page you choose instead of redirecting them to the home page after filling out their contact form. This saves both you time and they time while making your sales. One thing I have to tell you about this plug-in is that if you are not using cookies to track visitors you will not be able to see the redirect page unless you use the showallcakes option in the WordPress General Settings. If you do that you will not have the ability to see the redirect page and clients won’t have the ability to order from your website.

Contact Form 7 Redirects can be activated either using the normal Adds New Post feature on your WordPress dashboard or using a shortcut provided by this WordPress Plugin called Contact-Form-7-SSL Redirects. This short cut is simple and easy to use. Basically all you need to do is activate the redirection on your forms, hit the Search button and type in the web address and hit enter. The plugin will then process the redirection and will provide you with an HTML code for your redirect page. You simply need to copy and paste that code into your WordPress dashboard and refresh your post or page.

Overall, this is a solid WordPress Plugin that makes it so easy to process a large number of leads from your website or squeeze page and redirect them to any page you choose after sending them a valid email. Contact-Form-7 is my ultimate add-on and although I haven’t tested this on a live website, I have been using it for a few months and have found it to work perfectly. Its simplicity and powerful functionality have made it one of the best selling WordPress Plugins for firewalls installed on any web server.