Restly – A Fully Responsive WordPress Theme
IT Solutions & Technology WordPress Theme Companies, who are looking for a fully responsive website, now have a solution to that and one that is not a part of the Google Chromeos Project. In fact, they have a company that has the technology and the know-how to help companies that need their own fully responsive website. They have designed and developed a new WordPress Theme that is known as Restly. The website theme is built using PHP and MySQL and has been designed by themepul, a company from Germany.
The website was created and designed by themepul to cater to their clients in Germany, the United Kingdom and many other European countries that use WordPress. The website is fully responsive and is made to be used by any screen size and browser type. The themes have been designed so that they are fully SEO friendly and can also be used on mobile phones and tablets. It is fully customizable and can be changed to suit your need and specifications. The theme is fully responsive, has a wide array of featured plugins and is fully search engine optimized. It also comes with ‘All in one SEO pack’ which is a bundle of all the important features of WordPress so you do not need to learn how to use or install any of those.
This website is built with a purpose, that is to make it user-friendly and very easy to use. The user-friendly interface has all the features you need to be able to have an effective website that can be used by anyone anywhere and will attract lots of visitors. You don’t need to know anything about PHP or HTML code. All you need is a computer with a web browser, an Internet connection and a few minutes.