Bible Search

by Bible App Labs LLC for iOS 12.1.2

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Bible Search for iPhone from Bible App Labs LLC

The Bible Search! app allows you to find what you are looking for with a single tap of your finger, no matter what the passage you are researching or the translation you want to see. There are 40 different translations available in the app so you can choose to see only the Bible you are interested in and filter results by book, chapter, or verse.

Bible Search! also allows you to filter by book, and chapter. There are different ways to search: you can search by a word, a keyword, or a reference.

After you filter by book or translation, you will see your results in a simple list that presents the translation and the verse. This will allow you to quickly see if there is an answer to your question, or if it is a question you need to ask your pastor or mentor. 

Bible Search! also offers you the ability to use the “Favorites” tab to add certain verses to your reading plan. This will allow you to have the verses you are interested in at the top of the results so that you don’t have to scroll through the entire list.

Finally, you can see other translations for the same passage so you can see how other Christians have handled the same passage and what they are interpreting it to mean.

You can see the original text and search by text or by translation.