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Top Reasons Why You Should Use WPCentral on WordPress, for Plugins and more

WPCentral is WordPress Central where you can store, maintain, configure, search, and publish any word-press powered website. If ever you needed a single panel to manage loads of your word-press powered websites with multiple dashboard formats and saving the hassle of multiple login into separate websites, you now have it at last. WPCentral allows you to manage all your word-press powered websites with a single panel. With an easy to use interface, anyone can easily & quickly access the information they need from a single place with the click of a button. In addition to the convenience of a single panel for your word-press powered websites, WPCentral also offers many other benefits such as:

Customize your WPCentral admin panel: To further customize your WPCentral look and feel and to make it more useful, you may want to switch the data fields and themes on your single WordPress admin panel. You can change the theme colors or even select different image icons to fit your needs better. You may also try switching to different colors for your columns. There are also different plug-ins that you may use to display more information on the tables that WPCentral has pre-configured. For example, one such plugin displays the number of visitors to a particular website on the single web page.

Display all the important information of your websites: WPCentral offers various types of WordPress plugins to display the content of your websites. One such great plugin called WP Pagination which is used to display the unread articles, newly added pages, and search results from the front page of your word-press website. Another great WP plugin called All-in-One-SEO Widgets displays all the important keywords from your title, description, and the header of the article or post. There are also many other interesting widgets that you can consider displaying on your central website. It is best to try out all these features in a demo version of WP Central before installing them on your main website.