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Export your photos to Flickr from Aperture

Aperture has absolutely everything you could wish for from a photo app but one thing that’s been lacking for a while is support for exporting to Flickr.

No prizes for guessing what FlickrExport does then. FlickrExport is a plug-in for iPhoto, which provides a direct export interface to Aperture, enabling you to upload your images in double-quick time. You can create photosets with your uploaded images, add your photos to multiple groups after uploading, and it retains Geo-tagging data if your camera supports it.

The result of using FlickrExport is that your photo stream will be much easier to keep updated. You can, of course, edit photo titles and descriptions, add tags to them and even send your photos to a group pool. The only drawback is that after an initial periods of being freeware, FlickrExport is no longer free to use. But if you’re a Flickr/Aperture user, you can’t go wrong.

FlickrExport is an extremely useful, even essential, add-on for any Aperture user that has a Flickr account that they update regularly.

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