Screen Crack: A Fun Personalization Theme for Your Android Phone
Screen Crack is a free personalization theme developed by HOME by Ateam that allows you to give your Android phone an oddly stylish, broken screen look. The theme is part of the +HOME customization app, which offers more than 1,000 different themes to choose from, making it easy to personalize your wallpaper, icons, and widgets.
To use Screen Crack, you’ll need to first install +HOME on your Android phone. Once installed, simply select the Screen Crack theme from the app’s menu, and your screen will appear to be cracked. The theme is perfect for those who want to add a touch of humor to their phone’s appearance.
Overall, Screen Crack is a fun and easy-to-use theme that adds a unique touch to your Android phone’s personalization options. Keep in mind that the images used in the theme are simply representations and may differ from the final product.
For any inquiries or requests, you can contact HOME by Ateam at