First Kiss at a Spooky Soiree

by NomnomNami for Mac OS X

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Young romance meets fantasy

Experience a special night of magic and romance in First Kiss at a Spooky Soiree. It is a dating simulation game created by indie developer Nami for Yuri Jam 2016. It is also a visual novel that centers around relationships and the LGBT community. You will play the role of Marzipan – a light witch that’s never been kissed. She can kiss one of the eight characters at the soiree, but she has to flirt with them first.

Seal it with a kiss!

The story begins at the Soiree; Marzipan arrives at the party and eyes one of the eight characters. It is up to you who this character will be. You will also decide what Marzipan will do, say, or decide. While there are no correct answers, you need to make the best decisions so Marzipan can have her first kiss by the end of the night. 

With ten endings, only two of them will have Marizipan leaving the party without a new love interest. There’s still a chance that can happen, though. This makes it all the more important for you to make the best choices or decisions for marzipan. You could also just quit and start over if you believe the night is not going well for you, but it’s well worth taking the risk!

The cast of characters creates a dynamic storyline, but it is the charming, cute art style and Halloween-themed characters make this game all the more magical. This makes up for the short gameplay. The romance and fluff also take your mind away from how short this game is, especially since you can complete one round in just a few minutes. 

Short, sweet, and cute

First Kiss at a Spooky Soiree is an adorable casual game. Its art style and the storyline are perfect for those that are fans of fluff. There is also a good selection of characters, each varying from one another. The catch is that the gameplay is short; even with the number of characters and endings, you can complete this game within a day or two.