Expanded Towns and Cities (SSE) Mod

by missjennabee for Windows 10

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Free Settlement Overhaul Mod

Expanded Towns And Cities (SSE) is a free settlement overhaul mod for Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim Special Edition. This mod is a complete rebuild from its legendary edition version and not a direct port. It expands upon towns like Darkwater Crossing, Rorikstead, Riverwood, and Dawnstar. 

There are no known mod dependencies for Expanded Towns and Cities. If you are looking for alternatives to this mod, try JK’s Skyrim, Immersive Settlements, Dawn of Skyrim, and Andromeda – Unique Standing Stones.

A New Mod, Not A Port

In the latest release, the mod creator, MissJennaBee, addresses issues in the older version of ETaC. If you are familiar with the old version, MissJennaBee says to not expect the town layouts to be identical with the same NPCs in their old spots. This mod was built from the ground up, with the collective knowledge the creator has gained since releasing the last mod.

Expanded Cities, Enriched Dialogue

Expanded Towns And Cities adds new points of interest to the cities of Skyrim SE. Included towns have as many as six to seven new houses. This mod also includes anywhere from nine to 18 new NPCs in each city, along with various new quests and dialogue options for them. It also adds unique shops like blacksmiths, alchemists, general stores, and many more.

Humble Towns

The smaller towns remain visually the same but are now built in a more streamlined manner. This mod optimizes the assets, creating less of a resource strain compared to the original version. Unique buildings will still exist in smaller towns, but overall, they have an aesthetic closer to the vanilla game. 

Immerse Yourself In Great Cities

The new ETaC will make you feel like you are in a bustling city with many different places to visit. It does not change any of the interiors, so it stays compatible with other mods that do. It also does not change any of the original NPCs or remove any vanilla objects. Players looking to download this mod can do so with modular, city-specific versions or an all-in-one.